- Natural Mineral Water Mg Mivela can be called fuel for the heart; it’s a real magnesium booster from Serbia. One liter contains 91% of your daily magnesium intake, which is 343mg/l. Carbonated.
- As you may know, magnesium is one of the best absorbed minerals in the body directly from water.
- You will experience magnesium in many ways. First, the comfort of your heart will improve, especially when you exercise or go to the sauna. Just take a good amount of MgMivela a few hours before.
- Your sleep quality will improve and stress will decrease, making your life happier. It is the perfect water for active people who want to improve the comfort of their heart. Magnesium is one of the main minerals for good health, it participates in more than 300 processes in the body.
- In addition, it is rich in hydrogen carbonate (HCO3), which helps balance the body’s pH and neutralize acidity.
- The taste is amazing – it’s a little sweet because of the magnesium and a little salty. And it is completely free from pollution; it does not contain nitrates. It is a must-have water. Your heart will thank you for taking care of it naturally.
- Mg Mivela is a great gift for a friend!
Recommendation: To feel the effect, it is recommended to drink a large amount of MgMivela several hours before exercise. If you want to improve the quality of sleep, then drink MgMivela in the second half of the day.
Baiba –
Mans vakara rituāls: pāris stundas pirms miega, “pabarot” sevi ar Mg ūdeni. Tiešām daudz labāk guļu pēc ūdens lietošanas.
Man parasti bija “nemierīgās kājas” pa nakti. Tagad mieriņš. 🙂
admin –
Jauki, tiešām prieks, ka sajutāt dabīgo magnija effektu!
Kate –
Man patīk šis ūdens, mans miļākais
admin –
Arī mums pašiem tas ļoti garšo! Īpaši, kad vajadzīga papildus magnija enerģija vai tieši otrādi pirms miega.
Alex Dutkovsky –
Great water!